By offering a variety of programs and events, we aim to create a sense of belonging by promoting an environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued.
Through inclusive practices, we strive to create a space where everyone feels respected, understood, and empowered to participate fully in community life.
While we are not professionals in the field, we aim to bring awareness towards mental health and wellbeing and do our best to provide support through our programs.
Pastor Alex Pacis applied to Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) to start a project with the initial intention of helping/supporting others, especially the youth who have been affected by the pandemic. As the team grew, more ideas and goals were made for this organization to actively and effectively support the community. We are currently being funded by CSJ however we plan to continue even when we're not funded anymore by supplementing it with potential sponsors.
Westdale Community Centre is an initiative backed by Church Planting Ministries Inc (CPMI). Support WCC by donating on CPMI's website.
DonateAs a young man of 19, I came to Canada in October of 1974, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, expecting to accomplish many things that I only dreamt of in my childhood years. Now that I am 66 and semi-retired, Canada did not disappoint me. As a matter of fact, it has given me way beyond my wildest expectations.
But I am sad to say that the Canada I knew has changed a lot today and sadly I would say not all for the best. Set aside what everyone is going through due to the pandemic, Canada, in fact the world, has changed a lot and it scares me. I want us to be prepared, from the families to the churches to the communities we are in to help the young people of today in facing the challenges that I have not seen in decades.
If our young ones who have just embarked on their careers are met with issues that will force them to walk away from the very principles they held onto while at home, they will be lost, and I don't know if they will be able to create a Canada that we can all believe in.
In our way, we want to offer help, respite, companionship to young people out there that may be suffering from mental health issues, feel uncertain about their future, or are frustrated by the lack of clarity for the path they are taking. We are here. We offer a hand to help, a bit of time to ease your pain and even an open door to help us with our movement: to create a caring community where diversity is celebrated, personal self-worth is elevated, friendship is always placed at the top of our priorities, and participation is sought after like hunting for treasures.
Check us out, enjoy what we offer, critique what we publish with your loving comments, and participate where our gifts may need enhancements. We want to journey in this new Canada with you. As an African saying goes: "If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”
If you want to go fast, go alone;
but if you want to go far, go together